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Caustic Network

A caustic network is essentially a great many interrelated caustic light traces. Caustics are a refinement on raytracing, a recursive type of lighting in which any partially transparent, refractive object is treated as a light source itself, scattering the refracted light onto other objects as a separate raytrace.

What happens when this refracted light hits other transparent, refractive objects, is the formation of a caustic network. Each object scatters the reflected light it receives in a furhter caustic raytrace.

Since if left alone, in an environment with many such objects, a caustic network could loop forever, artificial boundaries are placed, either upon the number of alliteration, the number of clockcycles to use, or both.

See Also: Caustics

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Caustic Network:

Caustic Network

Caustic Shading


Volume Caustics

Volumetric Caustics


Resources in our database matching the Term Caustic Network:

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Network Game Programming: Part 1
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

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Network Game Programming: Part 7
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

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Network Game Programming: Part 6
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

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Network Game Programming: Part 5
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

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Network Game Programming: Part 4
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

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Network Game Programming: Part 3
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

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Network Game Programming: Part 2
A seven-part series introducing network game programming, from the basics, through to advanced concepts. Winsock based.

Neurons in the brain communicate by short electrical pulses, the so-called action potentials or spikes. How can we understand the process of spike generation? How can we understand information transmission by neurons? What happens if thousands of neurons are coupled together in a seemingly random network? How does the network connectivity determine the activity patterns?

The book is based round the concept of the network is not the great equaliser, an egalitarian construct that has, since the Internet became a powerful social force, begun to spread out into all works of life, with network-centric organisation. Instead, the authors state that the exploit ? a direct reference to the hacker term ? is a common corporate and subversive means of taking quiet control of the flow and direction of networks.


Industry News containing the Term Caustic Network:

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The potential for real-time ray tracing has been a major talking point in 3D graphics ever since Intel announced its plans for the x86-based multi-core Larrabee discrete graphics chip at IDF in 2007. However, a new graphics company called C...

(Press Release) Lightworks, supplier of rendering solutions for developers of advanced 3D computer graphics software, is pleased to announce that the Company will be taking part in this year’s Congress On the Future of Engineering Softwar...

A project to build a fibre network in Manchester could offer insights into how the UK can make next-generation broadband pay for itself. The network will serve homes and businesses in the area known as the Manchester corridor.


(Press Release) Cheetah3D 3.3 has been released. Version 3.3 adds many new features like rendering depth of field. When depth of field is enabled distant objects or objects which are very close to the camera will appear blurred. This will a...

AT&T Inc. has completed a project to improve wireless service in New York City, where the proliferation of iPhones has caused dropped calls, slow downloads and other problems, the phone company said Monday.

The Dallas-based c...